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Registration and abstract submission for IBM - 2019b

Registration Deadline Extended till 20 Oct 2019

Registration for IBM2019b is now OPEN. Please do register yourself by October 20, 2019, and keep updated with the important dates.


In addition to regular registration for oral and poster presentation, IBM 2019b will organize the students' paper contest (SPC) as a separate session in the conference. A monetary award and a certificate/plaque will be given to each student paper competition winner. An SPC participant has to submit an extended abstract during registration.


Please note: Participants should register either for SPC (oral presentation only) or for regular (oral/ poster/ listener). Once registered for SPC, there is no need to register again for regular oral presentation. To be considered for SPC, one must upload a copy of valid Student's ID card during registration along with an extended abstract (detailed instruction available including abstract template is available at the SPC registration page). For any confusion please write to us at 


Click on the following links for detailed instructions and abstract templates for both registration types:

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