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Registration and abstract submission for IBM - 2019b

Students' Paper Contest (SPC) registration

Important: Please read the general instructions and have a look at the Extended Abstract template 

A. General Information

  1. Only one student paper competition submission per student is allowed.

  2. For consideration in the student paper competition, the student must be an enrolled student at the time of paper submission.  

  3. The student must upload a valid student id card during submission.

  4. Papers submitted must strictly follow the formatting requirements.  Participants are requested to use the extended abstract template available in IBM 2019 webpage.


B. Evaluation of Written Submissions

  1. A panel of reviewers will evaluate all qualifying students’ paper contest submissions.

  2. Three independent reviews for each submission are obtained.

  3. The written submission evaluation criteria are:

    1. Quality of written paper (e.g., clarity, organization, etc.)

    2. Sufficient depth and breadth of research work

    3. Innovation and impact of research work

  4. Upon completion of all of the reviews, top papers based solely on the numerical scores obtained in the reviews, will be notified.

  5. Submissions not selected for paper contest will be automatically considered for regular oral presentation.

  6. Student authors of the top-scoring papers will be invited to present their research in a special ‘Paper Contest’ session in front of a panel of judges.

  7. Students who are unable to attend the conference and present their paper will not be eligible for award.

  8. Each selected finalist must register for IBM 2019b and pay the students’ registration fee.


C. Evaluation of Oral Presentations

  1. IBM conference committee will assemble two panels of judges, one for biology and another for mathematics.

  2. Each judge will be provided with a score sheet that lists the names of all presenters with paper titles. The judges will score the oral presentations based on the following criteria (more details will be available later):

    1. Background, originality & significance

    2. Research Design 

    3. Organization

    4. Delivery and timeliness

    5. Visual Aids and Technical Aspects

  3. The scores received will be tallied and the competitor having the highest total score will be designated as the winner, the second highest total score will be designated as the runner up.

  4. In the event of a tie for winner or runner up positions, the conference committee, in consultation with the judging panel, will meet and make the tie-breaking decisions.


D. Awards

  1. The winner and runner up of the students’ paper contest (one each for biology and mathematics) will be announce at the valedictory session of IBM 2019.

  2. A monetary award and a certificate/plaque will be given to each student paper competition winner. The monetary awards are Rs. 10,000 for the winner, Rs. 7,000 for the runner up.


E. Important dates​

  • Registration and Abstract submission starts: August 27,2019

  • Deadline for Abstract submission: September 29, 2019

  • Notification for Abstract acceptance: October 5, 2019

Extended abstract template

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